BEFORE YOU BEGIN: If this is an emergency that involves an imminent risk of harm to self or others, please contact campus police at 317-274-7911 or by dialing 911 prior to filling out this referral form.
This referral form is designed to to request support for oneself or a student who is experiencing concerns that are impacting their success, and/or whose behavior is concerning, worrisome, or threatening.
Please note that referrals are reviewed during normal business hours and are not monitored after-hours, on weekends, or during official University holidays. While referrals from this form are reviewed by a variety of campus partners working to assist students and employees, it is NOT designed for emergency response situations. If the information in the referral is determined to be emergency-related, law enforcement may become involved to check on the immediate well-being of our student.
For assistance or consultation during business hours while completing this referral, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 317-274-4431.
Please note, the Office of the Dean of Students is not a confidential resource. Staff are required to report any disclosure related to harm to self or others, sexual misconduct, abuse of a child or endangered adult, or crime that occurs on or around campus.
If you are seeking confidential support for concerns related to sexual harassment, sexual violence, or relationship violence, please contact the Confidential Advocate at or 317-274-5715.
If you are seeking confidential mental health support, please contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at or 317-274-2548.
This referral form is intended to request support for students, faculty, or staff at IU Indianapolis. If you are seeking to submit a referral for a Purdue University in Indianapolis student, please complete the Purdue University Student of Concern referral form.